Thursday, February 18, 2021

What exactly is fake urine and how does it work?

In 1828, chemist Friedrich Wöhler created the first sample of synthetic urea, a chemical compound found in urine. He did so accidentally while attempting to synthesize ammonium cyanate.

Little did he know it would be one of the first discoveries to contradict vitalism, a popular scientific theory of the time, which stated that organic compounds could not be created in a lab, only isolated in their natural form. Vitalists would believe that nothing besides kidneys could produce urea. Wöhler’s discovery was one of the preliminary findings to disprove this entire theory as he was able to create urea inorganically.

Fast-forward to the present, and the words “synthetic urine” don’t sound like groundbreaking chemistry, but more like a gag gift.

When Adele first heard about Quick Fix Synthetic from a friend who was nervous about passing a drug test, she didn’t put any thought into the product’s legitimacy. “Honestly, I was kind of dismissive of it,” she says. “I was like ‘I don’t know, I don’t care, get off drugs,’ which is very hypocritical of me now.” While she used marijuana herself, it was only when she started to get tested more regularly at her job that she became more curious about whether synthetic pee was effective.

Quick Fix Synthetic urine, along with its competitors, is made from a mix of water, urea, creatinine, pH balance, and/or uric acid. Synthetic urine can have the same density as urine too, as labs also test for this.

Urinalysis clinics use a method called gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to test fake urine. Gas chromatography is used to separate and identify compounds in a mixture, then determine their purity, and mass spectrometry is used to measure a sample’s mass. Together they help identify what compounds are in a mixture. Most companies use five-panel drug testing, meaning they look for traces of THC, opioids, PCP, cocaine, and amphetamines.

They also analyze urine color, odor, and temperature. This means that when you purchase synthetic urine to pass a drug test, your job is twofold: 1) smuggling it into the bathroom, and 2) ensuring it’s the right temperature. Adele’s Quick Fix came with a heating pad, so after you microwave your mixture, all you have to do is shake the heating pad and tie around the bottle to keep it warm. If your fake pee has the same pure compounds and density as actual urine, testing companies may not detect it is a fake sample.

The foggy ethics around drug testing

Workplace drug testing proliferated in 1986 when President Ronald Reagan started to require testing of all federal employees. This same year he signed the Anti-Drug Abuse Act which established mandatory minimum prison sentences for certain drug offenses, including marijuana possession.

The legislation was later viewed as racist, as data showed that people of color were targeted based on suspicion of drug use more than white people (according to the ACLU, black people are four times more likely to be arrested for pot possession than white people).

There was also a significant disparity between the minimum jail time required of those who smoked crack and those who did cocaine in powder form. Crack users, 80 percent of whom were black, got much more jail time than those who used cocaine powder, most of whom were white. This filled jails disproportionately with nonviolent, black drug offenders.

When Reagan started his drug testing plan, many courts ruled the practice unconstitutional. A New Orleans judge went as far as to call it a “warrantless search” made in the “total absence of probable cause or even reasonable suspicion.’’ Nevertheless, drug testing proliferated. In 1987, the American Management Association found that only 21 percent of employers surveyed were drug testing. By 1996, that number was 81 percent, but by 2004 it was down to 62 percent; there is no more recent data available.

Today, the conversation about the existence and effectiveness of drug testing continues, as both marijuana inches toward full legalization and the country is devastated by an opioid crisis. According to a 2017 New York Times article about how drug testing affects the economy, about half of the applicants at the Columbiana Boiler factory in Youngstown, Ohio, failed their drug test.

At Warren Fabricating & Machining factory in Hubbard, Ohio, co-owner Regina Mitchell says four out of 10 applicants fail her required drug test, half of whom test positive for marijuana, with opiates and other drugs accounting for the remainder. Because the business provides health insurance, she said, drug tests can be a way to avoid future medical costs. When one of her employee’s family members gave birth to a baby addicted to opioids, the company paid $300,000 for three months of treatment in a neonatal intensive care unit.

“Imagine the money we could save or invest as a company if I were able to hire drug-free workers on the spot,” Mitchell told the New York Times. “But that’s just not the environment we are in.”

But some argue that because drug testing, especially for marijuana, is a relic of the war on drugs, it should no longer be practiced. Add to that a 2014 academic review, which examined 23 studies on whether drug testing diminished drug use along with accident or injury rates, finding that drug testing does not significantly improve workplace safety (aside from one study that found that random alcohol testing reduced fatal accidents in the transport industry).

How the legality, or lack thereof, informs the marketing of fake pee

Just like the legality of weed, the legality of fake urine varies from state to state. Eighteen states have outlawed the manufacturing, delivery, use, or sale of synthetic urine to falsify drug tests, but of those, only one state, South Carolina, has ever prosecuted a urine seller, and only twice. In each of those cases, the seller was accused of marketing fake urine for the explicit purpose of passing a drug test. Illinois and Kentucky have made the sale of urine punishable as a felony, and North Carolina and South Carolina have made it punishable as a felony on a second offense. In all other states, the sale or use of fake urine is a misdemeanor.

Companies that manufacture and sell urine are able to operate as legal businesses by claiming that their product isn’t meant to be used to falsify drug tests. A similar tactic is used with some other drugs and drug paraphernalia: Glass pipes are often sold “for tobacco consumption” but largely used with marijuana; alkyl nitrites, also known as poppers, are sold as room deodorizers but typically used as a recreational inhalant.

Quick Fix simply tags on a line at the end of its product description that says “This product is to be used in accordance with all local state and federal laws and is not to be used for lawful administered drug tests.” Meanwhile, their testimonial page implies that people use the product to pass drug tests (“Got the job!” says Vanessa from California).

Other brands are more creative. Frank Avalos is the general manager of Alternative Lifestyle Systems, a company that manufactures and sells fake urine. Avalos claims ALS products are not created for drug tests. Instead, he says, these are fetish products for those who want to have what is known as “wet sex,” or sex involving peeing on your partner.

The Whizzinator Touch, for example, comes with a prosthetic penis (available in six skin tones) and leg straps and waistband to keep the prosthetic in place, as well as a plastic bag “bladder,” one syringe, four heating pads, and, a fake urine formula named Golden Shower Synthetic Urine (this formula is actually a powder of dehydrated fake urine that one must mix with water). It sells for $129.95.

Then there is the Whizz Kit, also known as the Female Whizzinator. This is a refillable pouch and tube system that comes with a fake urine sample and two heating pads. According to Avalos, you fasten the urine-filled pouch to your lower back using a belt, then wire the connected tube between your butt cheeks so the opening of the tube falls around where your urethra is, giving the impression that you are peeing on your partner. The Urinator is quite a bit more, ringing in at $169.95.

“There is an adult side of the product,” Avalos says. “That’s the main reason we wanted to keep the industry alive.”

Avalos says that “by the numbers” the refills of synthetic urine, not the prosthetic or powdered urine kits, are ALS’s best sellers. Once people have the device, he explains, they need to buy refills, so the disparity in sales makes sense. He also tells me that ALS’s main distributors are smoke shops and head shops, which are stores that sell paraphernalia related to consuming tobacco and cannabis, but typically not sexual aids.

The Whizzinator goes to Congress

If the Whizzinator sounds familiar at all, you may be remembering its unlikely brush with stardom after being found in former NFL player Onterrio Smith’s luggage back in 2005. The league requires players to take regular drug tests, and Smith already had two substance abuse violations against him; a third would have earned him a one-year suspension. He claimed the device was for his cousin (being caught with drug test falsifying equipment isn’t against NFL rules, using it is), and he wasn’t dealt another violation. Less than a month later, he failed a drug test and was released from the Minnesota Vikings.

Just four days after the contents of Smith’s luggage were making headlines, the Whizzinator found itself at the center of a congressional hearing about the subversion of drug testing. Although the hearing was about the general use of fake pee, the Whizzinator itself was mentioned 20 times. It seems that Smith’s incident gave the Whizzinator name recognition and Congress a culprit. Before being found in Smith’s luggage, the product seemed ridiculous and dismissable, but now there was high-profile proof that people were actually purchasing it and using it to cheat drug tests.

During the hearing, those who use fake urine were painted as a population unfit to work. Then-chair of the Committee of Energy and Commerce Joe Barton said that while the name was undeniably funny, the harm it was causing wasn’t. “It isn’t very funny when the truck driver bearing down on you from behind is the guy who used a Whizzinator to falsify his test result,” he said. “It is not a joke if an air traffic controller guiding your pilot is impaired from drug use that was masked by these products. It is not a joke if a homeland security worker is living positive and testing negative as he screens for terrorists.”

At the end of the hearing, three purveyors of fake pee were called forward to testify. All pleaded their Fifth Amendment rights. The Whizzinator was owned by Puck Technology at the time; three years later, co-owners of Puck Technology Dennis Catalano and Gerald Wills were charged with defrauding the US government for helping falsify drug test results.

In 2010, Wills, who was also the patent holder of the Whizzinator, was sentenced to six months in prison and three years probation. Catalano got three years probation. That same year, ALS bought the trademark to the Whizzinator. And just like that, with some unusual marketing tactics, the Whizzinator remained on shelves.

Though for how long is yet to be determined. During this period of incremental legalization of marijuana, it makes sense that fake urine has become a hot commodity — but one can imagine that full legalization might just cause demand to dry up.


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Powdered Urine Kits: An Ultimate Guide to Passing Your Drug Test

TestClear powdered urine

What is a Powdered urine kit?

The powdered urine kit is one of the amazing inventions that can rescue whether a casual drug user or an addict  from either a pre-employment drug test or a sudden workplace drug test. 

Aside from being a pretty useful tool in escaping drug tests, it is also useful in school experiments as well as in any other instances where real urine is needed.

The full powdered urine kit package by Testclear comes with 

  • A vial containing powdered urine 
  • A 50ml plastic medical transport vial with blue lid
  • A temperature strip used to gauge the piss heat
  • Two air-activated heaters
  • A User guide leaflet

Also, if you are skeptical about the accuracy of the temperature strip, you can add a digital thermometer to your order.  Even though you may not need it as the temperature strip is made to give accurate results when the test is done under the normal room temperature. 

Pass Urine Drug Test – 100% Success!

With the powdered urine kit, you no longer need to worry about the result from using a fake drug testing kit or a synthetic kit. Using a fake drug kit could lead to embarrassing situations that could easily be avoided by using a real piss testing kit.

If you are wondering how the powdered urine is gotten, your guess is absolutely right: they are gotten from real human beings. 

The urine is dehydrated and undergoes scientific transformation in the lab. During the transformation process, precaution is taken to preserve the quality of the urine. 

It’s advisable to use the powdered urine kit within one year of purchase.

In this post, I’ll take you through how to use a powdered urine kit and where to buy the best one.

If you are in a hurry to read through the guide you can get the best powdered urine kit from Testclear. 

Testclear Powdered Urine Instructions

It’s important you properly read the instructions as written in the leaflet attached to the kit.

Please note: do not open the package until the day of your test or experiment. Doing so could expose its compound and thereby render it ineffective.

It’s therefore advisable to confirm the time of your test so you won’t jump the gun. 

Also, for best results, it’s advisable to use under normal room temperature.

 The following tips should guide you in properly using the kit:

  1. First, empty the powdered urine from the vial into a 50ml tube (maximum tube size should be 70ml). Make sure you completely pour the contents into the tube.
  2. Second, remove the temperature strip from the adhesive sticker and then stick it horizontally to one side of the tube.
  3. Next, fill the tube with 50ml of water and cover tightly with the blue cap. It’s advisable you add room temperature water. Do not allow the water temperature to be extreme. It isn’t going to work if the water is too hot or too cold. Use the temperature strip to gauge its temperature.
  4. After adding water, vigorously shake the mixture. If you’ll be doing the mixing at the employer’s facility, ensure that you are discreet about shaking the mixture. If you are lucky enough, I’ll advise you to do it from home and discreetly sneak it into the testing venue.
  5. Shake it until it changes color and looks like urine
  6. Then open the heater package. Peel the paper off of one of the heaters and stick it to the back of the tube, opposite the temperature strip. Use only one heater unless you want it to heat up faster. And in this case, you have to be careful not to overheat the solution.
  7. Hold it tightly and shake again.
  8. Let the heater warm the test tube and put it on the same temperature level with real piss which is 94-99 degree Fahrenheit
  9. If the temperature strip isn’t showing the tube temperature, don’t panic. It’s not broken. It’s the highest quality component of the kit. It’s either the water is too hot or too cold.

And there you go with your real powdered urine!

Can You buy a powdered urine kit on Amazon?

Looking for cheap powdered urine on Amazon is like fishing in an empty ocean. The only current vendor of Powdered urine online is Testclear. 

Testclear has been helping people scale through drug tests since 1995. They are trusted vendors of both synthetic urine kit and real powdered urine kit.

Click Here to Pass Your Drug Test – 100%!

Is dehydrated human urine as effective as a sub-solution powdered urine kit?

For years, people have been used to sub-solution powdered urine kits as an effective way of scaling through drug tests. 

Sub-solution powdered urine is a synthetic urine kit. It is made from between 11-13 components of a real urine including the vital ones such as: uric acid, creatinine, sodium chloride among others, They are made to have the same color and smell like real urine.

It is also as effective as a dehydrated human urine but it’s best to use real powdered urine. 

Apart from safety reasons, there are numerous benefits associated with using real powdered urine.  

For instance, unlike the sub-solution or synthetic urine,  it contains more than 3,000 components found in real urine.

Let me also mention that companies are gradually finding ways to detect fake pee in the lab.  

Aside from that, using sub-solution powdered urine is illegal in some states.

Moreover, you don’t want to find yourself in an embarrassing situation.  Since it’s artificial, mistakes could occur. Save yourself from real mess and get a Testclear powdered urine kit.

Tips for Using a powdered urine kit for a drug test

  • Prepare as if you are going to war

I know bad habits die hard. So, it may not be easy to stay off your drugs that help you keep calm.

Aside from that, you may not have time to go for a detoxification program. A detox program is a slow route to help you completely abstain from drugs. This could take up to a month. 

So, you have to prepare early enough as if you are going to war. You don’t want to lose your big opportunity merely because of a drug test. Call to be sure of your appointment. Prepare at least 48 hours before the test.

If you are a first-timer, you can buy two kits and experiment with one so you won’t make mistakes. 

  • Properly dissolve clumps

It’s important for the clumps to properly dissolve in order to avoid any embarrassment.  Check for any traces of clumps and dissolve using warm water. 

  • Check Piss tube temperature

You don’t want to submit a fake urine solution.  The temperature of a real piss is  between 90-100 degree Fahrenheit and stays so for up to four minutes. So you don’t want your result to be anything lower or higher than the limits.

If you aren’t sure of the temperature you can use a digital thermometer to get an accurate result.

  • Wear appropriate clothing to hold the pee mixture

If the test is going to be done within the company’s premises, you have to be discreet in your usage of the kit. 

It’s advisable for you to have already done the mixture from home and put inside a safe polymer packet. 

You should wear two tight underwears that would safely hold the tube. 

So, when you are in your safe corner, you just do your thing by emptying its content into the test tube you’ve been given.

  • Politely ask for privacy

Usually, you shouldn’t be monitored by anyone but if there’s anyone watching you, politely ask for your privacy to do your thing. 

In the first place, they shouldn’t be watching you pee!

  • Read package leaflet

Above all, read the package instructions. You have to adhere to the entire guidelines.

Testclear powdered urine kit reviews

Test clear is the only vendor of real dehydrated human piss. That’s why it has attracted many users including myself. 

Before I share other people’s testimonies, let me first share mine. I was short on time on a pre-employment test and the last thing I needed was for my result to show traces of drug use. 

My friends told me about a fake pee kit when my workplace demanded a sudden drug test from all the staff. But I was skeptical about using the artificial stuff. 

After scouring the internet for a solution, I stumbled upon Test clear powdered urine kit reviews where people testified about its effectiveness. I bought it and it was delivered within 24 hours. I followed the instructions as given in the leaflet guide attached to the package. 

I attended the test and discreetly used the fake pee kit. And when the result came out, I was absolutely good  to go.

I am not the only one who has immensely benefited from using Testclear powdered urine kit. There are numerous testimonies littered across the internet but I’ll just show you just a few from BBB:

Here are other reviews:

“I ordered the powdered urine kit and it worked perfectly. I was really nervous at first, but the instructions are clear and easy to follow. Don’t overthink it, just buy it and use as directed and it will work!” – Sarah-R, BBB

“I purchased the powdered urine kit and I am beyond pleased with the results. As long as you follow the directions the product is 100% guaranteed to work. I payed for express shipping and it literally arrived in less than 24 hours. I highly recommend this product to anyone who is in need. Thanks Testclear!” – Leo, K

BUY Test Clear Real Human Powdered Urine

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do powdered urine kits work

Absolutely! Powdered urine kits have been saving many people from pre-employment drug tests. It’s as effective as real urine. It can as well be used for educational purposes.

  • How long does Testclear Powdered urine last?

Although it has a shelf life of up to two years, I will advise you to use the dehydrated powdered urine within one year of purchase. 

  • How to preserve powdered urine at home?

Remember this is pee. So, once mixed, you need to keep it at a safe temperature. It shouldn’t be kept for more than a day. You can also microwave it.

Final Thoughts

You don’t have to expose yourself to the risk of being detected with a fake pee kit in your pre-employment drug test. As sophisticated as synthetic kits can be, they are artificial and mistakes could occur. So, I’ll advise you to go for Testclear natural powdered urine kits.


What exactly is fake urine and how does it work?

In 1828, chemist Friedrich Wöhler created the first sample of synthetic urea, a chemical compound found in urine. He did so accidentally whi...